The Saturday Game 5/30/20 – First a Boss Fight, then a Boss Fight, then a …

We battle the red slaad and the flameskull. [Ed: Spellcheck really wants to correct that to read salad so if you want to picture us battling a giant bowl of red lettuce, have at it. ] With one fireball, the rouge, the cleric and the druid are down. Heals and healing potions get us back up, but our potion supply is distressingly low. After a protracted battle, we kill both. We search the room that the skull was in and discover a hidden compartment containing a long sword and a wand. The wizard identifies a tiny brass hut as a device that conjures Mordenkainen’s magnificent mansion. We do so and, while taking a long rest, identify and distribute loot.

We cross a bridge to another part of Kolat Towers entering a room where a statue of an incredibly angry wizard points a wand at us. We pointedly ignore him. Downstairs brings us to a room where all manner of garbage seems to be stored and then incinerated. We head back upstairs to rooms identified as those belonging to the the two Kolat brothers, Alcedor and Duhlark. We find one wizard spellbook.

Moving upstairs, we find a spectator beholder guarding five padlocked chests. After killing the beholder, we use the M signet ring to open the locks. With no time to spare, we place the chests into a portable hole for later inspection.

A teleportation circle takes us to a new area where Manshoon himself (or a simulacrum) greets us and invites us further into his study. As he steps on a coin in the middle of the floor, a gong echoes. Battle begins, but then Manshoon suddenly disappears! Three figures enter the room from various doors – a pirate, a tiefling bard and a wizard who summons an earth elemental. After another protracted battle, we kill them and take a short rest. From them we get two daggers, a rapier, a chain shirt and a short sword.

Further searching yields the following loot: ten spellbooks of Duhlark Kolat’s, five amulets, twelve signet rings, Manshoon’s Report of the Grand Game and an Eye of Goloor (our goal). We have two of the three eyes needed; the last is controlled by the Xanathar. We take our loot and head back to Trollskull Manor to prepare for the next fight feeling far more experienced for having bested Manshoon (for now?).