The Thursday Game – Introduction

These posts are recaps of an ongoing tale of a Dungeons & Dragons 5e adventure featuring Carric the Warlock (played by Jim), Deni Beni Bhanho the Monk (played by Jassen), Fraanq the Paladin (played by Andy), Kara the Druid (played by Lisa), Zapheria the Ranger (played by Tracy) and myself, Marigold Underbite, halfling cleric of Pelor and chronicler of our travels (Linda). The DM is Kurt.

This group of friends has been playing together in various configurations for more than a decade. We are part of a larger group that has been playing D&D through various editions since the early ’90s. Sometimes, work or family obligations lead to people dropping out for a while, but ultimately, we all end up coming back to the table.

Technical Stuff: The campaign is in the Forgotten Realms setting. The DM has modified parts of published adventures, but this one will be very familiar to veteran players and DMs. In other words, adventurers be warned! Here be spoilers!

We use Skype for communications. We use Roll20 as our virtual tabletop so you may see screenshots from there. In Roll20, the DM has set up macros using the PowerCards scripting language, the development of which he has taken over. This means players have a better and more seamless experience in rolling virtual dice, but we are also the alpha testers who break things!

Our first game was November 9th, 2017. I didn’t begin publishing our recaps until May 2018 so we will join the narrative in progress when our characters have just reached level 4.

Character creation night on November 9, 2017. Determining the background for Marigold, halfling cleric. She misquotes sacred texts, but does so with great enthusiasm!