Library Research with a Side of Massive Betrayals

The Saturday game, recapping 9/26/20 – The party heads out of Waterdeep on the way to Candlekeep. In the town of Worm’s Crossing, someone grabs the Archer’s bag and runs away. While we chase them, someone magically yanks the shield* from the Cleric. The Cleric and Paladin catch the culprit and begin to question him. He replies, “They made me do it!” “Who?” We ask. He begins to say, “Z-,” only to have the shield zap him into a husk.

After settling things with the local constabulary, we travel and stop at an inn along the way. Inside, an ogre sits reading a book by a priest of Ogma which is unusual as ogres are not known for their literacy. His explains his name is Little One. Years ago, he killed a halfling adventurer. By looting and wearing the adventurer’s headband of intellect, Little One grew intelligent beyond the grasp of most ogres. Feeling ashamed of his murderous past, he determined to use his new-found skills to seek enlightenment. We tell him of our mission to go to Candlekeep, a seat of learning, and he agrees to join the party.

The Sorcerer gets a letter from the Greystaff. The letter states that the Cassalanter family is spreading rumors that we killed Mirt as well as the Duke Vanthampur, and they are hunting us. Mirt’s letter to the Greystaff was right! Not only are the Cassalanters in a power grab for Waterkeep, but they have turned on us, their former allies.

The next day, the party and our new friend Little One begin the arduous journey to Candlekeep. One night, a group of imps disguised as rats attack, but we quickly take them out. On the road, a wagon with five people approaches. Suddenly, one tries to take the Cleric’s shield (which is quickly becoming a pattern) and they transform into half-demon cambions. We dispatch the party easily! The Wizard traps one that is carrying the Cleric’s shield into a magical iron flask. One night, eight refugees approach asking for rations and to share camp. We offer them hospitality and, in the morning, send them on their way to Waterdeep with the wagon.

The weather worsens as we approach Candlekeep via the Way of the Lion. Above us, gryphons patrol the skies. A flock of thousands of ravens appears to be chasing us. From previous experience, we know that imps can take the form of ravens. Falaster Fisk yells for us to run to the gate. In this inauspicious manner, we enter the great city of libraries. Three monks within seem unbothered by the ravens as it becomes apparent the city is magically warded against such creatures. Fisk offer the present of a book of recipes to the monks and the party is welcomed into the city. Little One also presents a book and relates his desire for knowledge. The monks are pleased to see him and happily make him an acolyte.

We inquire after Sylvira Savikas and they direct us to her laboratory. The party gains an audience with her and her quasit named Jezebel. Presenting her with the puzzle box, we fill her in on our exploits in the Vanthampur home. When we mention Kreeg, her interest picks up as she reveals she had already been suspicious of him. She agrees to open the puzzle box for us, but it will take her one week to prepare. Until then, we are free to wander the city, purchase supplies and make use of the libraries. During this downtime, each party member researches an area of interest and receives wisdom and a generous boon from the benevolent Dungeon Master.

After a productive week has passed, Sylvira invites us to the opening of the puzzle box. Within is a small tablet that contains a contract whereby Kreeg swears his mortal soul to Zariel. Moreover, he pledges Elturel and all its inhabitants to Zariel as well. We discover that part of this plan was the eventual use of the Companion, more accurately named the Solar Insidiator, to remove the entire city and trap it in Avernus. This event is what the surviving refugees described when they witness the city disappear. The people of Elturel are destined to become fighters for Zarial in the Blood War that rages between devils and demons. To destroy the contract and free the city, the second copy of the contract must be found. Sylvira states she must bring together a crisis conclave of the city’s leaders to decide a path forward. She asks us to attend in the morning.

During the meeting we learn the shield is the Shield of the Hidden Lord and is a powerful artifact of Gargauth. The Wizard pulls out the iron flask where the shield is captured to reassure the conclave it is safely contained. Our task then is to accompany Sylvira to Avernus to sever the contract thereby freeing Elturel. We also want to investigate if a similar attack awaits Waterdeep. Who can tell what deal the Cassalanters would make to increase their power? The conclave gives us several useful items. We are told the wizard Traxigor knows the location of the gate to Avernus the Hellriders used. We must meet with him to continue this quest.

After a flight via gryphon, we arrive at a floating stone tower, the residence of Traxigor.  Upon entering, we find Traxigor in the form of an otter. His celestial companion Lulu is an hollyphant originally from Avernus, although her memories of the charge of the Hellriders are fragmentary. She does remember being friends with an angel and Lulu recognizes the name Zariel as that angel. Was Zariel on the side of good at one point? Traxigor teleports all of us to the Fields of the Dead. When he taps a tuning fork, we are transported to a city street. Above us, a dark sphere, the Solar Insidiator, floats above the city. We hear explosions and see cracks as if the city is collapsing. After climbing a clocktower for a better view, we realize the entire city is floating. Massive chains bind the land to a series of improbably big iron posts. As we ponder our next actions, we feel more experienced and end as level 10.

* Errata: In a previous recap, it was stated that the shield was found in the Vanthampur residence. This is incorrect. The shield was part of the red dragon’s hoard.